Thursday, November 8, 2012

In the Gym

There is a gym in my office building and I have decided that I will take advantage of it during lunch time.  I went Monday as well as today for about a half hour.  I was going to use it again Wed., but I forgot to bring a change of clothes.  I guess that is what happens when you usually don't bring workout clothes, you don't think of it in the morning.

I'm a month in and I am as motivated as day one.  I am also 25lbs lighter and I have a 5k under my belt, so I am going to use this gym as long as it fits my work schedule. Otherwise, I am going to sign up at a gym near my home and use it after work.

Today I did more light weigh training on my arms, back, stomach and legs.  I was going to stick to upper body, but wanted to start leg strength for my knees - I found out that I need a lot of work with the weights so I will spend a bit more time on lower body to ensure that I get better time in the Thanksgiving Day 5K.

I will run for 40-45 minutes tonight at about 5.6mph.  I hope to drop another 5+lbs this week, which will get me down to ~215lbs.

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